Written by Jennifer Cox LCPC
So what is Body Doubling?
Last week’s blog was about fidgets – This week I want to share another tool that works for many with ADHD.
Have you ever noticed while others are around you – You are more focused, more motivated, and completing tasks – Basically overall things are getting done more effectively and efficiently?
Body doubling is useful both in person or virtually. By having another person around (even virtually), one tends to not feel alone during the dreaded task. It is about having that person doing a similar task to help you get motivated, focused, and staying on task. They are a physical anchor that help decrease distraction, just as fidgets (to learn more about fidgets, check out last week’s blog).
Body doubling DOES work for many, just as fidgets do, so this might be another tool to add to your belt. Here are some examples:
-Parents while their children are doing homework – Grab your computer, book, etc and just sit at the table with them
-At work having other coworkers work near by
-Spouses could hang out with each other when doing chores, tasks, hobbies, etc
-Classmates meet up to do schoolwork together
-So you don’t forget to eat, meet up with someone for a meal
So why try body doubling? Because it works by using 5 behavioral prompts:
-Task implementation
-Social pressure
-Specific task direction
-Activating certain neurotransmitters through behavior
For more information or help with executive functioning, contact 815-363-0864 or jennifer@echcounseling.com